Food & Drinks

Kombucha fresh ginger

Kombucha fresh ginger
  • Promotes healthy digestion
  • More energy
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Kombucha Fresh Ginger with ginger is made from the Kombucha Natural. It is one of the most aromatic and distinctive combinations of kombucha with ginger.

Kombucha is a fermented tea, an ancient drink used for thousands of years. The benefits most often attributed to kombucha are attributed are improved digestion, more energy and a clearer mind


Purasana kombucha is a green tea, fermented using a "scoby" (Symbiotic Culture Of friendly Bacteria and Yeasts). Sugar serves as nutrition for this "scoby".

Every true kombucha is made from tea, water and sugar. Most of the sugar is used during the fermentation process is used by the bacteria before the kombucha is bottled, so there is barely any any sugar left.

Ecological bottle

The bottle consists of 35% rPET, a type of recycled plastic. In addition, the bottle features a 'tethered cap', which is a cap that sticks to the bottle. This type of cap helps prevent plastic waste.


Frequently asked questions
Start with 100-150 ml, twice a day. After a few days, feel free to try more, but let your body get used to the kombucha slowly. You prefer to drink kombucha cold.
Kombucha is a great drink suitable for any time of the day. Open the bottle, pour the kombucha into your glass and let it 'rest' for a few seconds. If it is too carbonated, let the kombucha roll in your glass for a while. The sparkling and healthy kombucha is ready to take care of you.


. Organic unpasteurised, carbonated and live drink from careful fermentation.
Ingredients: infusion of green tea and ginger (filtered water + mix of tea), cane sugar (processed during fermentation), kombucha cultures (bacteria and yeasts).

Use: do not shake, drink preferably cool, sediment is normal.
Like other detoxifying products, kombucha is not suitable for use by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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